Saving lives for steroid dependants

I'm Rachel and this is Molly
last may Molly was diagnosed with a serious condition called hypopituritsm part of this condition has caused a life threatening disorder called Adrenal insufficiency, it is caused by her pituritary gland in her brain not sending signals to her glandular system the most worrying gland to be affected are her Adrenal glands which produce one of the only hormones in the body necessary for life. Currently the medication for this condition is out dated and confusing.
In an emergency stressful situation molly cannot produce a steroid called cortisone, if she does not recieve an emergency injection when needed her body will simply shut down.
I am campaigning for an emergency epi style pen so she may use it herself if she ever were to need it.
Please sign the petition and give my Molly and others like her a chance of a safer independent life. I am also raising awareness to this condition as it is little understood by both the medical profession and the general public, many mistakes have been made resulting in the neeedless deaths of sufferers simply because of the lack of understanding in hospitals, although this is a rare disorder it is caused by many different conditions, many people go undiagnosed for years simply because the endocrine research and understanding is so under funded. Molly also has to take thyroid medication and growth hormone, she has been undiagnosed for so long she has been so poorly she also now has ME and is on a rehabilitation program.
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Please Help save the lives of all these people & many more
and help raise awarenes to this forgotton condition.
London, UK
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Cape Town, South Africa
Marrakesh, Morocco
official campaign video